“It’s not affected by what life threw at you and if you have this kind of mentality, no one can beat you.” – Richie Nainaney
Design Thinking, Social Introvert, Designpreneur, Human Centered Design, all this in one Podcast. I had Richie Nainaney on my Podcast – She is Co-Founder of Orikami Lab in Dubai. To be precise, I visited her studio. A studio like no other one – half white, half black, something for the eyes, where design is split in contrast, because for her it’s all about perception. Richie co-founded Orikami Lab in 2015 together with her Husband Hiten. I met her end of 2016 and got to know Orikami Lab as a Design Innovation Hub that uses Design thinking to simplify the problem and discover solutions with the people at its center.
Richie is truly a Designer and Entrepreneur mix. As her past work client says, she does not just focus on the design or look of her work but also emphasizes how it feels.
Richie chooses 5 chapters in her Chapters of My Life Book called “The Big Picture”. Chapter one is actually a question: “When did I grow up to fast?” She gives insight into her at a young age, still quite mature and yet serious childhood. Chapter 2 is about taking the initiative and adopting change – she calls this chapter “Fluid Adaptation”. Chapter 3 called “Awakening” and yes, it’s genuinely an awakening during her study life to understand that the education system is failing. But in particular, her short work trip to Brazil. There she first got in touch with Human Centered Design and saw design to impact people – a truly awakening journey. With freelancing, her first clients and gaining further work experience as young Designer are about Chapter 4, which is called “Tip of the Iceberg”. She also slowly realized she is more interested in the organization, the logistics and managing part of a company. Next chapter is self-explained… it is called “Wake the f***** UP” and yes, it’s about the realization of what lead her to co-found Orikami Lab.
Enough said, it’s time to dig deep into Design Thinking, Human Centered Design, Entrepreneurship and looking into the bigger picture of finding your language as a designer.
The Big Picture
Blurry to focus
1 When did I Grow to Fast?
2 Fluid Adaptation
3 Awakening
4 The tip of the iceberg
5 Wake The f**** Up
You can find more about Richie, on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/richienainaney on the Orikami Lab Website www.orikamilab.com