Art of Autobiography Coaching

Knowing your past is essential to building your future life chapter. The autobiography coaching framework is a tool  designed to help you gain clarity about your current life situation, understand your past decisions, and build momentum for your future life chapter goals.


Through coaching, you create your autobiography. You reflect on your past experiences, both good and bad, to gain clarity about who you am and what you want to achieve in the future. You get coached to identify your core values, strengths, and weaknesses, and to develop a plan to achieve your next life chapter goals. 

“The starting point is not to know how to reach the top of a summit.

It begins with knowing how to start where you are right now.”

Customised for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

We have customized the autobiography coaching framework specifically for entrepreneurs and business owners. This includes incorporating accountability and business-oriented applications to help you create your next business chapter.

Using the Autobiography Coaching method TM with weekly learning materials

In our 1:1 business coaching sessions, we use the Autobiography Coaching method TM with weekly learning materials which focus on specific next business chapter elements. This includes:

  • Bi-weekly 1:1 business coaching sessions (online)
  • Create quarterly and yearly call to action (CTA) plans for clarity and progress measurement
  • Accountability tasks while identifying blocking patterns
  • Submit your entrepreneurship idea, concepts, and questions product for critique
  • Customized support in developing a product development agile roadmap
  • Get your digital business life book and audio/video inspiring quotes

We believe that this customized approach will help you gain clarity, create momentum, and achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur or business owner who is ready to take your business to the next level, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about the Autobiography Coaching program.


Throughout autobiography coaching, we will go through 6 phases, each addressing an important component in your life book.

Self-Awareness – Get a bigger picture of where you are right now

Connecting the dots – Learn to reflect on the past and celebrate achievements

Goal Setting – Understand what values and believes you stand for

Decision Making – Create a clarity mindset and learn to prioritize

Build New Habits – Be aware of the opportunities around you

Create the next Chapters in your Life – Decide next action steps to create your new life chapter


The individual 1:1 long term coaching aims to help you connect the dots from your past experiences to create a fulfilled next life chapter. During coaching we create:

  • A book front cover
  • A table of contents page with the chapters of your life book
  • Individual Chapter titles and learnings
  • Personal audio quotes from your life book
  • Next action steps to help you gain clarity in your next life/work chapter


more sales


better performance

more creative


of managers/leaders consider coaching to be a skillset

Sample AUTOBIOGRAPHY Coaching Results

Book front cover

Back cover

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

“Set ambitious goals along your journey, where you know people will say it’s impossible. But only the ones who join your path believe in the impossibility of life”

Daniel Ludwig

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Dan Waldo

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Jane Smith

What PEOPLE say

For the Chapters of My Life Podcast

Life Book 37 __Nordine Zouareg

„Daniel has a strong ability to inspire and enable the full team to work smarter and better.“ 

– Naser Al Sughaiyer

“Coaching with Daniel has been an enlightening experience. I have been making better, well informed decisions (at work and in my personal life).“ 

– Rabia Peerzada

,,The closest thing  I  have  felt  to being  a g uest on the Oprah Winfrey show”

– Malavika Varadan

Create your next life chapter