Life Book 29 // Naser Al Sughaiyer and “Life Without a Script” Add-On Edition


“When an identity crises come in, the calls for help are basically the heart of the body”

– Naser Al Sughaiyer

Over two years ago, I interviewed Naser Al Sughaiyer. For the long time listeners out there, you might remember episode & life book 6 of Naser’s book “Life Without a Script”. Since that time, a lot has happened, new life chapters all about human experiments, yes, you heard it right… human experiments. He founded The Human Lab, an interactive space to practice being human. His mission is to support people in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to belong and feel more connected to themselves, others and the world.

In this Chapters Of My Life Add-On Episode, we talked about the 5 new  chapters in Naser’s life from connecting with themselves towards what improvisation means and what we understand under an identity crisis. Let go of all expectations and try everything is the message Naser wants to give back to young people while finding their community. We recorded over the internet, and there are some audio hiccups – that’s the moment you realize that a far distance recording has it’s up and down in times of Covid 19. Never the less, great virtual catchup which shows a life has many chapters even in a short time. Let’s get started. Enjoy Chapters Of My Life Add-On Episode 29 with Naser Al Sughaiyer!

1. Space between the Stories
2. Written Self reflection
3. Launching a new Story
4. Joyful & difficult numbing
5. Inter-being & courage

– The Human Lab
– Naser’s Website
– “The End of the World” by Skeeter Davis