“If you are a leader, you have to be a role model to others. There is no other choice” – Humaira Tasneem
Great to have Humaira Tasneem @humairatasneem, captain of the UAE women’s cricket team @uaewomenscricket in this podcast. She once said, “Because if you don’t take calculative risks as a captain, then you are not doing it right. As a young cricket captain, she increasingly encourages young women from different nationalities to participate in this sport.
Recently names in the @khaleejtimes newspaper as “Captain cool”, I can’t agree mote to this headline. She is one of those very young captains of a sport where it’s hard to get respect and to attract new female team members, especially in a male-dominated sport. But with her determination, she leads from behind in a unique, inspiring way to make this sport for females more attractive.
Her Life Book is called “Polydextrous” a word that describes the skillset to draw with both hands. It’s a synonym for her life to balance multiple challenges. In the life book, she got 3 chapters and shares what it takes to rise above the difficulties as a young captain and how to lead as a role model, it’s next goal for her team the World Cup and how to continue working on her designer and illustrator skillset. Enjoy! Never give up ๐ช, always look-up๐
Cover: Abstract face, hand-holding, 2 hands drawing
1 Initial stages of cricket
2 Beyond the boundary
3 New beginning