Change the World,

by Changing Yourself


Transform your life, one chapter at a time through the Autobiography Coaching method.

Make a difference today – Join the Autobiography tour (6th-20th Nov)

Only 10 min a day for 3 weeks of invaluable self coaching to

change the world, by changing yourself.

Join the Autobiography tour

3 sessions in 3 weeks. 6th – 20th November. We all have dreams, but what separate us from others are the willingness, a clear idea and path to make a change in this world. To make a difference in this world, we need to start within ourselves. Join the tour for just 29$ (like the price of a good book)

Worked with

Latest life books and podcast episodes

Chapters of my life podcast is an inspiring collection of life transitions

packed into a podcast audio book format.

About me

As a Trainer and Leadership Agile Coach (ICF trained), I am always passionate about helping individuals and organizations to break down big visions into small achievable steps for social impact and to leverage the UN SDG’s.

“The starting point is not to know how to reach the top of a summit. It begins with knowing how to start where you are right now.”

Autobiogrpahy coaching will help you in

Every life is a journey filled with twists, turns, and lessons learned. Within this unique narrative lies the potential to ignite positive change. Autobiography coaching is about unlocking the power of your story to create a ripple effect. By reflecting on your experiences, you can gain clarity and focus to drive meaningful impact. Here’s how:

Business and Entrepreneurship

Transform your business into a force for good by aligning it with social and environmental goals.


Cultivate a legacy of empathy and social responsibility within your family, inspiring future generations.-


Build a career that not only fulfils you personally but also contributes to positive change in your community and beyond.

Peak Performance

Use your athletic abilities to advocate for health, wellness, and inclusivity.

Health and Wellness

Become a champion for well-being, inspiring others to prioritize their health and support their communities.

Personal Development

Discover your purpose and channel your growth into making a tangible difference in the world.

“Set ambitious goals along your journey, where you know people will say it’s impossible. But only the ones who join your path believe in the impossibility of life”

Daniel Ludwig

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Dan Waldo

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Jane Smith

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